In the summer of 2021, Linda began her maternity leave and unexpectedly discovered a keen interest in e-commerce. During her break, she decided to venture into selling through the Amazon FBA model.

Balancing two jobs to support her family, especially since her husband, Casey, Is handicapped, Linda faced significant challenges. However, with remarkable determination, she began generating a modest Income that provided some financial relief.

Since 2021, Linda has been selling on Amazon, and it has become the primary source of Income for her family. Over the past few years, her sales were steady and satisfying, averaging 20-25 products sold daily at a high profit margin, with an average profit of about $12 per unit.

In March 2023, Linda’s supply chain was disrupted due to the Chinese New Year, leading to a three-week stock outage as her factory paused operations. When her goods finally arrived at Amazon, her business struggled to regain momentum, causing a significant drop in her keyword rankings. Simultaneously, two aggressive competitors entered her market niche, further impacting her sales.

Selling 20-25 unitsa day
Linda watched helplessly as her once-thriving business, which she had meticulously built, began to falter. The steady cash flow she had relied on suddenly seemed like a distant memory.

Crisis point
In her attempt to recover, Linda made several hasty decisions driven by fear and frustration. She lowered her prices, launched a costly advertising campaign, and frequently revised her product listing. These moves, however, did not yield the desired results.

Her monthly profits plummeted from an average of $8,000 to just $3,900-a sharp decline of over 50% in a matter of months.

By May 2023, Linda, referred by a friend, reached out to us for assistance in navigating and overcoming the tough situation she was facing.

Starting Points




Conversion rate




Average daily sales


Average daily


Average daily profit


Selling 20-25 units a day

Crisis point

Profit fell by 50%

Started working with Panda Boom

In the summer of 2021, Linda began her maternity leave and unexpectedly discovered a keen interest in e-commerce. During her break, she decided to venture into selling through the Amazon FBA model.

Balancing two jobs to support her family, especially since her husband, Casey, Is handicapped, Linda faced significant challenges. However, with remarkable determination, she began generating a modest Income that provided some financial relief.

Since 2021, Linda has been selling on Amazon, and it has become the primary source of Income for her family. Over the past few years, her sales were steady and satisfying, averaging 20-25 products sold daily at a high profit margin, with an average profit of about $12 per unit.

In March 2023, Linda’s supply chain was disrupted due to the Chinese New Year, leading to a three-week stock outage as her factory paused operations. When her goods finally arrived at Amazon, her business struggled to regain momentum, causing a significant drop in her keyword rankings. Simultaneously, two aggressive competitors entered her market niche, further impacting her sales.

Linda watched helplessly as her once-thriving business, which she had meticulously built, began to falter. The steady cash flow she had relied on suddenly seemed like a distant memory.

In her attempt to recover, Linda made several hasty decisions driven by fear and frustration. She lowered her prices, launched a costly advertising campaign, and frequently revised her product listing. These moves, however, did not yield the desired results.

Her monthly profits plummeted from an average of $8,000 to just $3,900-a sharp decline of over 50% in a matter of months.

By May 2023, Linda, referred by a friend, reached out to us for assistance in navigating and overcoming the tough situation she was facing.

Starting Points






Average daily




Average daily


daily profit



Boosting product visibility to attract more potential buyers.

Comparing the product to competitors, focusing on new market entrants.

Addressing customer concerns and encouraging organic, positive reviews.

Upgrading and optimizing product listings for better customer engagement.

Boosting product visibility to attract more potential buyers.

Comparing the product to competitors, focusing on new market entrants.

Addressing customer concerns and encouraging organic, positive reviews.

Upgrading and optimizing product listings for better customer engagement.



According to our advice, Linda chose Panda’s AMZ Sales Booster, and PPC services.

We focused our efforts on generating a relative advantage over her competitors.


Creating Buzz: We generated interest through social media to drive traffic to her sales page.


Leveraging Blogger Platforms: We utilized niche- specific bloggers to highlight her product, increasing exposure and attracting relevant customers.

Encouraging Positive Feedback: Within two weeks, Linda received increased customer reviews, thanks to improved product quality and customer service.

Boosting Organic Sales: These efforts led to a quick rise in organic sales.

Revamping Listings: Linda also updated her product title and description to be more compelling.

Enhancing Page Appeal: We made her sales page more attractive and competitive.

40 days later






Average daily sessions


Conversion rate


Average daily sales


Average daily profit


21Conversion rate


18Average dailysales

96Average dailysessions

187Average dailyprofit


Regardless of how long you’ve been selling on Amazon, consistent sales are key to maintaining a strong presence. Following a period of slow sales, it’s important to reinvigorate your strategy to sustain and grow your business. Focusing on generating genuine sales and encouraging authentic customer reviews helps ensure steady growth and visibility in Amazon’s ecosystem.

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