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How to improve Amazon sales: 10 proven tips

With Amazon accounting for over 40% of online commerce, mastering this platform is essential for e-commerce success. While there's no precise formula for boosting Amazon sales, adhering to established guidelines can significantly enhance your sales figures.

To address this, a collection of 10 actionable tips has been curated to help elevate your Amazon performance. For further guidance, you can enhance your sales journey by consulting with our expert strategists available by phone or online contact.

Posted by Panda Boom Amazon FBA Expert

01 Optimize Product Listings:

  • Use High-Quality Images: Clear, high-resolution images are crucial. Show your product from different angles and in use, if applicable.
  • Effective Product Titles: Include relevant keywords, brand, product type, specific features, and benefits.
  • Detailed Descriptions and Bullet Points: Clearly articulate the benefits and features of your product. Use bullet points for easy readability.

As an experienced seller and the owner of 2 big brands…

As an experienced seller and the owner of 2 big brands, the best advice I can offer to new sellers is to work systematically and be patient with the results. In the end, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success on Amazon, but a set of promotional actions taken every day inevitably leads to a boost in sales.

Posted by: Andrew Davis, 6-figure Amazon seller

02 Search Engine
Optimization (SEO):

Research and use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and backend search
terms to improve visibility. To avoid indexation issues, make sure not to use a specific
keyword more than once.

03 Leverage Amazon

To effectively use PPC
campaigns for growing
Amazon sales, start by
researching and choosing
high-converting keywords
related to your products.

Set your budget according
to your target ROI, and use
Amazon’s campaign
manager to track

Continuously analyze your
campaign data to optimize
bids, remove
underperforming keywords,
and refine your ad copy.

This will improve ad
visibility, drive more
targeted traffic to your
listings, and ultimately
increase sales on Amazon.
For in-depth strategies,
consider exploring
resources that focus on
PPC for Amazon.

Sponsored Products: Pay
for product promotion in
search results and product
detail pages.

Sponsored Brands:
Promote your brand and

Amazon DSP (Demand-
Side Platform): Use this for
programmatic advertising
to reach audiences both on
and off Amazon.

For best results, we recommend hiring an affordable
Amazon PPC Management agency

04 Grow Your Amazon

Follow Amazon’s Guidelines: Encourage customers to leave reviews. Respond to Reviews: Engage with customer feedback, including addressing negative reviews professionally.

How to Get Amazon Reviews?

First, it’s important to mention that getting Amazon reviews might be the most sensitive
issue on Amazon, so it requires patience and extra cautious.

  • Focus on Customer Satisfaction: Ensure your product quality and customer service
    are exceptional, as satisfied customers are more likely to leave positive reviews.
  • Use Blogger services – For quick injection of quality product reviews and boosted
    keyword ranking, consider partnering with agencies like Panda Boom, Dragon Dealz or Tomoson reputed as the leading Amazon FBA agencies.

They can provide tailored strategies and insights specific to your product and niche,
potentially accelerating your growth and sales on Amazon.

The Keepa graph indicates a clear relationship: as product
reviews increase, the Best Seller Rank on Amazon tends to
improve accordingly:

  • Use micro-influencers – Contact niche targeted influencers on Instagram or TikTok and establish a business relationship with them.
  • Amazon Vine program – Amazon Vine invites its top reviewers to receive a product for free in exchange for a review. This incentive program benefits both the reviewer and the seller.
  • Product Inserts – These can be an effective tool to encourage Amazon reviews.
  • By including a well-designed insert with each product shipped, sellers can politely ask customers to leave a review. These inserts can provide instructions on how to leave a review and express gratitude for the purchase, enhancing customer experience. According to studies, Implementing this method properly could grow your organic Amazon reviews by 47%-54%, you can get more details here.
  • Use Family and friends – Consider asking you close circle to buy your items for a full price and leave a product review 14-18 days after. Implementing clever review strategies would save you 100s of USD spent on PPC every month.

4 Facts you should know:

An item with one review is 65% more likely to be purchased than an item with no reviews.

One-third of consumers won’t buy a product that doesn’t have any reviews.

Amazon reviews are trusted more than any other type of review.

On average, positive reviews increase sales by 20%.

There are dozens of parameters that can impact your sales velocity on Amazon…

There are dozens of parameters that can impact your sales velocity on Amazon, but if I had to choose three, they would be competitive pricing, the quality and quantity of reviews, and breathtaking images on your sales page. Once you’ve taken care of these three, the rest becomes much easier.

Posted by: Jessica Miller, 7-figure seller

05 Target long-tail keywords- Utilize the SFB (Search, Find, Buy) method:

To optimize your Amazon strategy, apply the SFB (Search, Find, Buy) method by involving bloggers who search and buy your product using precise, long-tail keywords.

These are typically 3-5 word phrases that are highly specific, less competitive, and cheaper in terms of CPC. Ensure not to use direct links to prevent triggering Amazon’s algorithm, which could risk your account.

To implement, reach out to blogger services. They will coordinate buyers for your product, guiding them on the purchase process, with promotions executed over a safe timeframe.

P.S. This method has been favored by top Amazon sellers since 2019.

06 Use Amazon Analytics Tools:

Track Performance: Use Amazon’s analytics tools to track sales, customer behavior, and other key metrics.

Adjust Strategies: Use data insights to refine your listings, pricing, and advertising strategies.

07 Competitive Pricing:

Price competitively by monitoring competitor pricing and adjusting yours to remain competitive, but ensure it does not erode your profit margins. For new sellers, a general guideline is to set your product’s price about 10% lower than that of the top competitors.

08 Run Promotions and Deals:

Limited-Time Offers: Use deals, discounts, and promotions to attract customers and boost sales

If Amazon offers you a deal, take it! It will enhance your brand’s performance and visibility.

09 Expand Product Range and Marketplaces:

Diversify Offerings: Offer a range of products to attract a broader customer base.

Global Expansion: Consider selling in different Amazon marketplaces to reach more customers.

Using an all-in-one FBA agency is a tremendous force…

Using an all-in-one FBA agency is a tremendous force multiplier for your ability to compete in the vast sea of Amazon sellers.
I have been a customer of Panda Boom since 2021, and their assistance and promotional methods have been and continue to be critical for my success.

Posted by: Olivia Smith, FBA Expert

10 Improve Customer Service:

Quick Responses: Respond promptly to customer inquiries and issues.

After-Sale Service: Provide excellent after-sale service to encourage repeat business.
Be generous with refunds and always adhere to the principle that the customer is right.

One unsatisfied client can cause damage that may take a long time to repair.

Bonus Tip: Utilize External Traffic:

Social Media and Email Marketing: Drive traffic to your Amazon listings through social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing strategies.

Remember, Amazon’s marketplace is highly competitive and dynamic, so staying updated with the latest trends and changes in Amazon’s policies and algorithms is crucial for ongoing success.

Looking to ramp up your Amazon sales?

Consider partnering with Panda Boom, a seasoned agency known for boosting client profits on Amazon. Panda Boom offers comprehensive plans to increase your Amazon sales.

For a tailored approach, reach out online to craft a strategy that suits your business’s unique needs.


As you can see, there are various and numerous methods for improving sales on Amazon, and we are confident that you will find many of them particularly effective.

However, it is important to emphasize that beyond all these methods, there are three essential rules to adhere to:

Selling on Amazon is more similar to a marathon than a sprint.

The results of your promotional efforts may only become apparent after several weeks, not immediately, as this is how Amazon’s algorithm works.

The most successful sellers on Amazon are those who look at the long term and build their business brick by brick, with solid infrastructures.

A good Amazon seller is one who learns and refines their methods on a daily basis. And always remember, “Slow and steady wins the (Amazon) race.”

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