Stay up-to-date and ahead of the curve with the latest strategies for serious Amazon sellers.

Amazon review statistics for 2024

Amazon review statistics for 2024

As we progress through 2024, Amazon continues to dominate the e-commerce landscape. The statistics we’ve gathered paint a picture of a platform that not only influences consumer behavior but also shapes the success of online sellers.

Amazon review statistics for 2024

Amazon review statistics for 2024

As we progress through 2024, Amazon continues to dominate the e-commerce landscape. The statistics we’ve gathered paint a picture of a platform that not only influences consumer behavior but also shapes the success of online sellers.

How to Remove Negative Reviews on Amazon

How to Remove Negative Reviews on Amazon

Dealing with negative reviews on Amazon can be a daunting task for sellers. While you cannot directly delete a customer’s negative review, there are several steps you can take to manage the situation and potentially have the review removed.

The FBA Grade and Resell Program on Amazon

The FBA Grade and Resell Program on Amazon

In the realm of e-commerce, the lifecycle of a product doesn’t end with its return. Amazon, a behemoth in the online retail space, has introduced an innovative program that breathes new life into returned items: the FBA Grade and Resell Program. This initiative is a game-changer for sellers using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), offering a sustainable and profitable solution for managing returns.

Amazon FBA Refund Reimbursement and Management

Amazon FBA Refund Reimbursement and Management

When you’re an Amazon FBA seller, you’re part of a system that’s designed to be seamless and efficient. However, sometimes things go wrong, and that’s where Amazon FBA refund reimbursement comes into play. It’s a safety net provided by Amazon to ensure that sellers are protected against losses that occur due to issues like lost or damaged inventory, overcharged fees, or inaccurate refunds.

Amazon Marketing Strategies: 7 Ways to Sell More on Amazon

Amazon Marketing Strategies: 7 Ways to Sell More on Amazon

In the competitive world of online retail, Amazon stands as a colossus, offering unparalleled opportunities for sellers to reach a global audience. However, with great opportunity comes great competition. To succeed on Amazon, sellers must employ strategic marketing tactics that not only attract customers but also convert them into loyal patrons. Here are seven proven strategies to help you sell more on Amazon.

Selling on Amazon vs. Walmart

Selling on Amazon vs. Walmart

In the world of online retail, two giants stand tall: Amazon and Walmart.
Each offers unique advantages and challenges for sellers aiming to capitalize on their platforms.

Whether you’re a seasoned seller or new to the game, understanding the nuances of selling on Walmart versus Amazon is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving marketplace.
Join us as we unravel the differences, strategies, and insights needed to succeed on these platforms.