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What to Do After Amazon Ends the Early Reviewer Program

Posted by Panda Boom

Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program was a popular service that helped sellers get their first reviews on new products. The program offered verified buyers a small incentive, usually a $1-$3 gift card, to write honest and unbiased reviews on enrolled products. The program was beneficial for both sellers and buyers, as it provided valuable feedback and social proof for new products.

However, Amazon announced in March 2021 that it would no longer accept new enrollments in the Early Reviewer Program, and would stop offering the service to sellers currently enrolled in the program on April 25, 2021. Amazon stated that it had made several improvements to encourage buyers to review products on Amazon, such as One Tap Reviews and Global Review Sharing, which were more effective than the Early Reviewer Program.

This news came as a shock and disappointment to many sellers, who relied on the Early Reviewer Program to get their first reviews and boost their product’s visibility, credibility, and sales. Reviews are one of the most important factors that affect Amazon’s search algorithm, product placement, and customer buying behavior. Without reviews, it can be very hard for new products to compete and succeed on Amazon.

So, what can sellers do after Amazon ends the Early Reviewer Program? Are there any alternatives or replacements that can help sellers get more reviews for their products? In this article, we will explore some of the options that sellers have to generate reviews on Amazon, and how to use them effectively.


Amazon’s New Features to Encourage Reviews


According to Amazon, it has introduced several new features to encourage buyers to review products on Amazon, which are more effective than the Early Reviewer Program. These features are:

One Tap Reviews: This is a feature that allows buyers to rate their purchase with one tap on their mobile devices, without having to write a review or upload images. Buyers are prompted by Amazon with “What did you think of the item?” on their mobile devices, and they can simply select the star rating that reflects their experience. This feature makes it easier and faster for buyers to leave feedback, and can increase the number of reviews for your products

Global Review Sharing: This is a feature that allows buyers to see reviews from other Amazon marketplaces for the same product, and vice versa. For example, if a buyer in the US is looking at a product that has reviews from the UK, they can see those reviews on the US product page, and the other way around. This feature can increase the number of reviews available for your products, and expose them to a wider audience.

Request a Review: This is a feature that allows sellers to send an automated email to buyers, asking them to rate and review their purchase. The email is sent by Amazon, and it follows Amazon’s communication guidelines. The email includes a link to the product page, where the buyer can leave a star rating, a written review, and product images. The email also includes a link to the seller feedback page, where the buyer can rate the seller’s service.

These features are designed to make it easier and faster for buyers to leave reviews on Amazon, and to increase the number of reviews for your products. However, they are not guaranteed to work for every product or buyer, and they may not be enough to replace the Early Reviewer Program.


Alternatives to the Early Reviewer Program


If you are looking for other ways to generate reviews for your products, besides Amazon’s new features, you may want to consider some of the following alternatives:

Amazon Vine: This is a program that invites trusted reviewers to post opinions about new and pre-release products. Sellers can enroll their products in the program and provide free samples to the reviewers, who are called Vine Voices. The reviewers are not paid or influenced by the sellers, and they are expected to provide honest and unbiased feedback. The reviews are marked with a green stripe that says “Vine Customer Review of Free Product”. The program can help you get early reviews on your products, and increase their visibility and credibility. However, the program is not free, and it has some limitations and requirements. For example, you need to be a brand registered seller, you need to have enough inventory to provide samples, and you need to have a product in an eligible category. You can check the details and eligibility of the program [here].

Follow-up emails: This is a method that involves sending emails to your buyers after they purchase your product, thanking them for their order, providing additional information or tips, and asking them to leave a review. You can use Amazon’s Buyer-Seller Messaging Service to send these emails, or use third-party tools or services that can automate and optimize the process. The advantage of this method is that you can personalize and customize your emails, and build a relationship with your buyers. However, you need to follow Amazon’s policies and guidelines regarding email communication, and respect your buyers’ preferences and opt-outs. You can check the best practices and examples of follow-up emails [here].

External marketing: This is a method that involves driving traffic and sales to your product from outside sources, such as social media, blogs, podcasts, influencers, or ads. The idea is that by increasing your product’s exposure and reach, you can also increase your product’s reviews, as more people will buy and review your product. The benefit of this method is that you can target and attract your ideal customers, and differentiate your product from the competition. However, you need to invest time and money to create and execute a marketing strategy, and you need to comply with Amazon’s terms of service regarding external marketing. You can check some tips and ideas for external marketing [here].

These are some of the alternatives to the Early Reviewer Program that you can use to generate reviews for your products. Each of them has its pros and cons, and you may need to test and experiment to find the best option for your product and niche.


Always strive to get more reviews for your products


The Early Reviewer Program was a useful service that helped sellers get their first reviews on new products. However, Amazon has discontinued the program as of April 25, 2021, and has introduced other features to encourage reviews, such as One Tap Reviews and Global Review Sharing.

These features may not be enough to replace the Early Reviewer Program, and you may need to look for other ways to generate reviews for your products, such as Amazon Vine, follow-up emails, or external marketing. These alternatives have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you may need to try different methods to find the best one for your product and niche.

Reviews are essential for your product’s success on Amazon, as they can affect your product’s visibility, credibility, conversion rate, and sales. Therefore, you should always strive to get more reviews for your products, and use the best practices and tools to do so.

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